Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Fairycake is the (creative..if you can call it that.. not the smartest idea) Brit term for the American/Australian term cupcake.
( that’s right it takes a real man Brit or otherwise to eat a “Fairycake”).
There should be a support group for this sort of thing: “Hi I’m Mr. Churchill (all absurdity intended) & Im a Fairycake addict (perhaps some Village People in the background would be appropriate)..ok that’s it no more coffee(or cupcakes)for me..

Johhny Cupcakes is a wacky, creative clothing line.(I can think of a few unfair ideas & one-liners at Johnny's expense but I will restrain myself..sort of)

There’s a song called Cupcakes Taste Like Violence(that’s one way to describe a sugar high - A for creativity/ideas).

Captain Cupcake was the mascot for a baked goods company( there’s a new reason to wear undies over your clothes every day..... feel inspired, getting creative ideas?...thought not).

Cookies & Cupcakes were an arb band in the late 50s in America (something to do with My Boy Lollipop..hmm)

Camp Cupcake is the affectionate name by one time (we hope) attendee Martha Stewart.
(do you think the experience gave her creative wardrobe ideas..hee hee..nough said)

A Piece Of Cake:
A Memoir by Marie Antoinette(Just kidding couldn’t resist). Cupcake Brown is the author of the memoir about her downward spiral into drugs & prostitution(Gimme my heroin or the cupcake GETS IT!! Makes for creative/interesting 911 calls).

Ron Bennington loves cupcakes soooo much that he’s had one named after him in Chicago, at a place called Mollies. Makes you wonder if he knows he’s eating a “fairycake”.

There’s an actual fragrance called Cupcake. I’ve actually got a body lotion called Cupcake it smells like Vanilla...hmm if eating other people makes you a cannibal, what creative term do you get labeled if you have the idea to eat yourself).

There’s a song called Cupcake about gay marriage, narrating the story of a gay rights activist.(a bit of a contradiction in terms if you think about it...smart idea..creative..NOT!)

Cupcake is a derogatory, creative term for an effeminate man...shame what did the poor
cupcake do to deserve being compared to a man, any idea?...(ok just kidding..calm down.. breath)
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1 comment:

  1. They are really adorable. Cupcake decoration can really make it more enticing and tempting to munch on.
