Sunday, September 20, 2009


My friend Sam & I were discussing how its possible to use simple things to change & uplift your community. Now before you say oh no! not another blah blah change the world story. Just think about it. In your case(& mine)cupcakes are a wonderful & creative idea/tool toward promoting change. You are probably thinking how?? I don't have time.. I have nothing to offer. If all you have is the ability to make cupcakes, it enough.

The truth is we all have something to offer & its entirely possible to make/find time. If you find yourself wondering what is the point to life? What is my purpose? Why am I on the earth? You are asking the wrong questions. Your fulfillment could lie
in something as simple & trivial as giving cupcakes to people.THINK.ABOUT.IT. Everybody loves cupcakes. Everyone needs to feel valued. Everybody can get inspired with one great creative idea. CUPCACAKES!

Let me give you some creative ideas:

1: You could host a cupcake tasting event(selling tickets or perhaps a raffle) at your child's school & the proceeds could go to the local soup kitchen etc.

2: You could spend take cupcakes to your old age home to cheer up everyone's day.

3: You could start a kindnes campaign giving out cupcakes to strangers & encouraging them to give something (creative ideas) to others.

4: You could get a list of underprivileged children & plan a picnic or cupcake party (see my ideas QUIRKY CUPCAKES FOR KIDS) for them that will never be forgotten

5:You could go over to a neighbour or family that's going through a tough time & take them a tray with their favourite cupcakes & a card from you family to let them know that there is support & love when thy need it.

Creative ideas are endless...

The above is really just some ideas, you will know you community & how cupcakes can bring joy to others. I recently spoke to a lady who was brought up in a orphanage. She wasn't bitter or angry, in fact she reminisced about those years, because some youth evangelists took the time to listen & counsel every child/teen. They were taken on picnics & outings. You never know how far a cupcake & a smile can go in someones heart & life. That kind lady that I met is who she is, because someone cared enough to take the time to do something creative, execute the idea & instill confidence & value in who she was & is, as a person. Of course the biggest difference in her life is Jesus Christ. But you might be able to make that difference for someone with something as small & insignificant as a cupcake. You just might have a purpose & a calling after all.
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